Empowerment Technologies Quizzes



Prepared by:


Teacher II

Pagalanggang National High School - SHS

Lesson 1: ICT and Its Current State

Lesson 2: Online systems, functions, and platforms



General Instructions:

§  Read each question carefully.

§  Choose the best answer and fill in the corresponding bubble completely.

§  Use a pencil to fill in the bubbles.

§  If you need to change your answer, erase it completely.


1. A tweet that contains one hashtag will achieve an averaging of 90 interactions, according to TrackMaven.

A. FALSE                 B. NOT SURE                          C. TRUE                                     D. MAYBE

2. Allow user to post their content, other users can comment on the said topic.

A. Blogs and Forums                                              B. Media Sharing                                    

C. Bookmarking Sites                                            D. Social Networking

3. Sites that allow you to store and manage links to various website and resources.

A. Bookmarking Sites                                             B. Blogs and Forums          

C. Social Networking                                             D. Media Sharing

4. By implementing a geographic hashtag, companies can increase brand/event awareness when followers engage with the hashtag.

A. NOT SURE        B. TRUE                                     C. MAYBE                                 D. FALSE

5. It is one of the most useful ways to use for any purchase.

A. Cash                    B. Debit Card                         C. Payment System            D. Personal checks

6. These are outsourced enterprise communications solutions that can be leased from a single vendor or provider.

A. Service Provider                                                  B. Communication Services

C. Communications Provider                            D. Communications Service Provider

7. It is a provider that transports information electronically and can encompass public and private companies in telecom, internet, cable, satellite, and managed services business.

A. Communications Provider                            B. Communications Service Provider

C. Service Provider                                                  D. Communications Services

8. This is when multiple different devices combine into a single gadget because of technological advancement.

A. Social media                                                         B. Convergent Technologies

C. Microblogging                                                      D. Mobile Technologies

9. When using this kind of payment, the buyer takes the money directly out of his account.

A. Personal checks                                                 B. Payment System

C. Debit Card                                                             D. Cash

10. Facebook makes your product or service put into the hands of the exact person who doesn't wants it.

A. FALSE                 B. NOT SURE                          C. TRUE                                     D. MAYBE

11. These are the system or procedures that enables the transfer of information in the internet web services applications and platforms.

A. HTPP                   B. HTTP                                      C. HHTP                                    D. HTPT

12. It is also comprised of software, applications and platforms that allows information to be accessed, stored, transmitted, and manipulated.

A. Information Communication Technical  B. Information Communism Technology

C. Informal Communication Technology    D. Information Communication Technology

13. In PLATFORM FOR ADVERTISING It make sure your advertising budget is wasted on those who are not interested in what you are offering.

A. MAYBE               B. TRUE                                     C. FALSE                                   D. NOT SURE

14. It is an umbrella term referring to communication hardware or software that allows the access, storage, transmission and manipulation of information.

A. Information Communism Technology     B. Information Communication Technology

C. Informal Communication Technology    D. Information Communication Technical

15. It is the actual interconnection of computers and other networks

A. Information Communication Technology                B. Internet

C. Web                                                                                            D. Social News

16. It is a valuable tool not only for driving traffic but prospecting, establishing thought leadership, as well as recruiting.

A. LinkedIn            B. Instagram                           C. Twitter                                  D. YouTube

17. It is different from the rest of the social media outlets because it is specially designed for businesses and professionals.

A. LinkedIn            B. YouTube                              C. Twitter                                  D. Instagram

18. Sites that allow you to upload and share media content like images, music and video.

A. Bookmarking Sites                                             B. Social Networking                            

C. Media Sharing                                                      D. Microblogging

19. It focus on short updates from the user, those that subscribed to the user will be able to receive these updates.

A. Media Sharing                                                      B. Microblogging                  

C. Social Networking                                             D. Bookmarking Sites 

20. These devices from the past were originally big and bulk, but due to the technological advancement, they become smaller and more compact.

A. Mobile Technologies                                         B. Social media                     

C. Convergent Technologies                              D. Microblogging

21. This is a term for devices that are easily carried and allows fast means of communication.

A. Convergent Technologies                              B. Mobile Technologies

C. Microblogging                                                      D. Social media

22. It is any system used to settle financial transactions through the transfer of monetary value and includes the institutions, instruments, people, rules, procedures, standards, and technologies.

A. Cash                                                                          B. Payment System                               

C. Debit Card                                                             D. Personal checks

23. It is ordered through one's account.  

A. Cash                                                                          B. Payment System

C. Personal checks                                                 D. Debit Card

24. It Means the user can only read whatever online content the creator has made.

A. Read-Write                                                            B. Write-Write                                          

C. Read-Read                                                            D. Read only web

25. Refers for the ability of the user to add content thru posting, sharing, commenting, or rating.

A. Read-Read                                                             B. Read-Write

C. Read only web                                                     D. Write-Write

26. It allows people to communicate faster through a larger number of people.

A. Media Sharing                                                      B. Microblogging

C. Social Networking                                             D. Social media

27. It is a platform for broadcasting information.

A. Social media                                                         B. Microblogging

C. Media Sharing                                                      D. Social Networking

28. These are forms of electronic communication through which users create online communities to share information, ideas, personal messages, and other content (as videos).

A. Microblogging                                                       B. Social media

C. Media Sharing                                                      D. Social Networking

29. These are software, applications or platforms that allow users to communicate in an online social communities or network.

A. Microblogging                                                       B. Social media   

C. Social Networking                                             D. Media Sharing

30. It is a platform for communicating with one another.

A. Social News                                                          B. Microblogging

                  C. Social Networking                                             D. Media Sharing

31. Its communication has a two-way nature.

A. Media Sharing                                                                        B. Microblogging

                  C. Social News                                                          D. Social Networking

32. These are sites that allows you to connect with other people with the same interests or background.

A. Social News                                                          B. Social Networks

C. Microblogging                                                      D. Media Sharing

33. Sites that allow users to post their own news items or links to other news sources.

A. Microblogging                                                       B. Mobile Technologies 

C. Media Sharing                                                      D. Social News

34. It consist of only text and images.       

A. Estetic web pages                                              B. Static web pages

C. Semantic web pages                                        D. Dynamic web pages

35. The first commercial Web 1.0 applications emerged in the early _____.

                  A. 1990s                  B. 1960s                                    C. 1980s                                   D. 1970s

36. The ______ is the hardware aspect because it relates to computer networks, connections and infrastructures.

A. Information Communication Technology                B. Web

C. Internet                                                                                     D. Social News

37. The inventor of the world wide web is __________.            

A. Tim Burner Lee                                                     B. Tim Berner Lee

C. Tom Berner Lee                                                   D. Tim Berner Li

38. The search results are generally presented in a line of results referred to as _________.

A. Search Results Pages                                      B. Search Pages

C. Search Engine Results Pages                      D. Search Engine Pages

39. The ____  refers to the software aspect as it relates to the Protocols or HTTP.

A. Social News                                                          B. Information Communication Technology

                  C. Internet                                                                   D. Web

40. Users mainly go to ______ to showcase their job experience and professional thoughts, making it one of the most important platforms to use for those in B2B(business-to-business).

A. Twitter                B. LinkedIn                              C. YouTube                             D. Instagram

41. It is the rst generation of the evolution of web technologies.

A. Web 2.0             B. WEB 1.0                               C. Web 3.0                               D. Web 4.0

42. It allows interaction not only in between the user and the creator but also to other users.

A. Web 2.0             B. WEB 1.0                               C. Web 4.0                               D. Web 3.0

43. It is the second generation of the evolution of web technologies.

A. Web 3.0             B. WEB 1.0                               C. Web 4.0                               D. Web 2.0

44. It is a concept of how the web will evolve and the full concept can still change.

A. Web 3.0             B. WEB 1.0                               C. Web 4.0                               D. Web 2.0 

45. It is not yet fully realized and is still developing.

A. Web 3.0             B. WEB 1.0                               C. Web 2.0                               D. Web 4.0

46. It is the third generation of the evolution of web technologies.

A. Web 2.0             B. WEB 1.0                               C. Web 4.0                               D. Web 3.0

47. It provides a data-driven Semantic Web employing a machine-based understanding of data with the objective of developing a more intelligent and connected web experience for users.

A. Web 2.0             B. Web 3.0                               C. WEB 1.0                              D. Web 4.0

48. ______ refers to the system that enables people to access information over the internet.

A. Web                                                                           B. Information Communication Technology

                  C. Internet                                                                   D. Social News

49. It is a software system designed to search for information on the World Wide Web (WWW).

A. Social Networking                                              B. Microblogging

C. Media Sharing                                                      D. Web Search engines

50. It is the leading video-sharing platform in the world.

A. Instagram         B. YouTube                              C. LinkedIn                              D. Twitter



Lesson 3: Netiquettes

Lesson 4: Online Safety and Security



General Instructions:

§  Read each question carefully.

§  Choose the best answer and fill in the corresponding bubble completely.

§  Use a pencil to fill in the bubbles.

§  If you need to change your answer, erase it completely.


1. Always post your future vacation.

A. TRUE                                     B. Maybe                                  C. FALSE                                   D. Not sure

2. Arthur shared to his timeline the proper way on how use ChatGPT that he recently learned from his seminar. What Core Rules of Netiquette he considered?

A. Rule 6: Share expert knowledge                                   B. Rule 4: Respect other people's time and bandwidth

C. Rule 8: Respect other people's privacy                    D. Rule 5: Make yourself look good online

3. As a virtual world communicator, it is your responsibility to make sure that the time spent reading your words isn't wasted. What Core Rules of Netiquette is considered?

A. Rule 4: Respect other people's time and bandwidth           B. Rule 5: Make yourself look good online

C. Rule 9: Don't abuse your power                                                      D. Rule 8: Respect other people's privacy

4. Ashley always check for spelling and grammar errors before posting it in her timeline. What Core Rules of Netiquette she considered?

A. Rule 5: Make yourself look good online                     B. Rule 3: Know where you are in cyberspace

C. Rule 9: Don't abuse your power                                    D. Rule 8: Respect other people's privacy

5. Avoid using memes. Memes are easy for search engines to scan.

A. Not sure                              B. Maybe                                  C. TRUE                                     D. FALSE

6. Avoid visiting trusted websites.

A. Maybe                                   B. Not sure                              C. FALSE                                   D. TRUE

7. Be mindful of what you share online and what site you share it to.

A. FALSE                                   B. TRUE                                     C. Maybe                                  D. Not sure

8. Before you post something on the web, ask these questions to yourself: Would you want your parents or grandparents to see it? Would you want your future boss to see it?

A. TRUE                                     B. FALSE                                   C. Maybe                                  D. Not sure

9. Berlyn overheard that Dian has a Cancer. She immediately posted it in his timeline. What Core Rules of Netiquette she should considered?

A. Rule 8: Respect other people's privacy                     B. Rule 3: Know where you are in cyberspace

C. Rule 7: Help keep flame wars under control          D. Rule 9: Don't abuse your power

10. Buy the software; do not use pirated ones.

A. TRUE                                     B. FALSE                                   C. Maybe                                  D. Not sure

11. Copyright protects literary works, photographs, paintings, drawings, films, music (and lyrics), choreography, and sculptures, but it generally does NOT protect underlying ideas and facts.

A. FALSE                                   B. Not sure                              C. TRUE                                     D. Maybe

12. Do not check out the privacy policy page of a website to learn how the website handles the information you share.

A. FALSE                                   B. TRUE                                     C. Maybe                                  D. Not sure

13. Even if a material does not say that it is copyrighted, it is a valid defense against copyright.

A. FALSE                                   B. Not sure                              C. Maybe                                  D. TRUE

14. If you create something - an idea, an invention, a form of literary work, or a research, you have the right as to how it should be used by others.

A. Maybe                                   B. FALSE                                   C. TRUE                                     D. Not sure

15. If you create something - an idea, an invention, a form of literary work, or a research, you have the right as to how it should be used by others. This is called _________?

A. Intellect Property            B. None of these                   C. Intellectual Property    D. Intellectual Proper

16. If you feel that a post can affect you or other's reputation, ask the one who posted it to pull it down or report it as inappropriate.

A. FALSE                                   B. Maybe                                  C. TRUE                                     D. Not sure

17. If you have a Wi-Fi at home, make it a public network by adding a password.

A. TRUE                                     B. FALSE                                   C. Maybe                                  D. Not sure

18. Install and update an antivirus software on your computer.

A. Not sure                              B. FALSE                                   C. TRUE                                     D. Maybe

19. It asks the user to pay to improve his/her security but in reality, they are not protected at all.

A. Rogue security system                                                      B. None of these

C. Rogue security software                                                   D. Rogue secure system 

20. It can record email, messages, or any information you type using your keyboard.

A. Keylaggers                          B. None of these                   C. Keylogging                         D. Keyloggers

21. It expose people and computer systems to harm online.

A. Internet-based treats                                                         B. Internet-based threets 

C. Internet-based threats                                                      D. None of these

22. It is a malicious program designed to replicate itself and transfer from one computer to another either through the Internet and local networks or data storage like flash drives and CDs.

A. Spyware                              B. Adware                                C. Worm                                   D. Virus

23. It is a malicious program that is disguised as a useful program but once downloaded or installed,

A. Trojan                                   B. Worm                                    C. Adware                                D. Spyware 

24. It is a malicious program that transfers from one computer to another by any type of means.

A. Trojan                                   B. Worm                                    C. Spyware                              D. Adware 

25. It is a more complicated way of phishing where it exploits the DNS (Domain Name Service) system.

A. Spam                                    B. Pharming                            C. Malware                              D. None of these

26. It is a program designed to send you advertisements, mostly as pop-ups.

A. Worm                                    B. Trojan                                   C. Spyware                              D. Adware

27. It is a program that runs in the background without you knowing it.

A. Adware                                 B. Trojan                                   C. Worm                                   D. Spyware

28. It is a worm created by a Filipino.

A. ILOVEYOU VIRUS                                                                 B. ILIKEYOU VIRUS

C. None of these                                                                        D. IMISSYOU VIRUS

29. It is an unwanted email mostly from bots or advertisers.

A. Malware                              B. Phishing                              C. None of these                  D. Spam

30. It is concerned with the "proper" manner of communication in the online environment.

A. Netiquette                          B. Netiquete                           C. Nettiquete                         D. Netiqueete

31. It is defined as the information highway.

A. Internet                                B. Web                                       C. None of these                  D. Gateway

32. It is important to add your own creative genius in everything that will be credited to you.

A. FALSE                                   B. TRUE                                     C. Maybe                                  D. Not sure

33. It is what people do when they express a strongly held opinion without holding back any emotion.

A. Flame of Recca                B. Flames                                 C. Flaming                               D. Flame wars

34. It is when two or three people exchange angry posts between one another, must be controlled, or the camaraderie of the group could be compromised.

A. Flaming                                B. Flame wars                        C. Flame of Recca               D. Flames

35. It used to record the keystroke done by the users.

A. Keyloggers                         B. Keylogging                          C. None of these                  D. Keylaggers 

36. Its goal is to acquire sensitive personal information like passwords and credit card details.

A. Phishing                              B. None of these                   C. Spam                                    D. Malware 

37. Know the security features of the social networking site you use.

A. FALSE                                   B. Maybe                                  C. TRUE                                     D. Not sure

38. Michael is a great IT expert, but he used his talent to hacked other social media accounts to use for his criminal acts. What Core Rules of Netiquette he should considered?

A. Rule 9: Don't abuse your power                                    B. Rule 10: Be forgiving of other people's mistakes

C. Rule 7: Help keep flame wars under control          D. Rule 3: Know where you are in cyberspace

39. Netiquette varies from domain to domain depending on where you are in the virtual world, the same written communication can be acceptable in one area, where it might be considered inappropriate in another. What Core Rules of Netiquette is considered?

A. Rule 7: Help keep flame wars under control          

B. Rule 2: Adhere to the same standards of behavior online that you follow in real life

C. Rule 10: Be forgiving of other people's mistakes

D. Rule 3: Know where you are in cyberspace

40. Pepito read an unwanted comment on his recently shared post, instead of exchanging angry post he decided to make his shared post change its privacy from public to private. What Core Rules of Netiquette he considered?

A. Rule 2: Adhere to the same standards of behavior online that you follow in real life

B. Rule 7: Help keep flame wars under control

C. Rule 10: Be forgiving of other people's mistakes

D. Rule 1: Remember the Human

41. Set your post to "public" in this way, search engines will not be able to scan that post.

A. FALSE                                   B. Maybe                                  C. Not sure                              D. TRUE

42. Share your password with anyone.

A. FALSE                                   B. Maybe                                  C. TRUE                                     D. Not sure

43. Shiena encounter a misspelled words in Sunshine profile, she immediately message Sunshine to change the misspelled words. What Core Rules of Netiquette she considered?

A. Rule 10: Be forgiving of other people's mistakes

B. Rule 6: Share expert knowledge

C. Rule 1: Remember the Human

D. Rule 2: Adhere to the same standards of behavior online that you follow in real life

44. Sonny always make it to the point that he will not behave rudely to someone face-to-face and in the virtual world. What Core Rules of Netiquette he considered?

A. Rule 6: Share expert knowledge

B. Rule 2: Adhere to the same standards of behavior online that you follow in real life

C. Rule 4: Respect other people's time and bandwidth

D. Rule 1: Remember the Human

45. Stands for malicious software.

A. Malware                              B. None of these                   C. Spam                                    D. Phishing 

46. Talk to strangers whether online or face-to-face.

A. TRUE                                     B. Not sure                              C. FALSE                                   D. Maybe

47. There are no limitations to copyright laws.

A. FALSE                                   B. Maybe                                  C. Not sure                              D. TRUE

48. This is done by sending you an email that will direct the user to visit a website and be asked to update his/her username, password, credit card, or personal information.

A. None of these                   B. Phishing                              C. Malware                              D. Spam 

49. When Ben communicate electronically, whether through email, instant message, discussion post, text, or another method, he always practice the Golden Rule: Do unto others as you would have others do unto you. What Core Rules of Netiquette he considered?

A. Rule 6: Share expert knowledge

B. Rule 4: Respect other people's time and bandwidth

C. Rule 5: Make yourself look good online

D. Rule 1: Remember the Human

50. Your friends depend on you to protect their reputation online.

A. Maybe                                   B. FALSE                                   C. Not sure                              D. TRUE



Lesson 5: Online Research

Topic:  Satirical News


Quiz #3

General Instructions:

§  Read each question carefully.

§  Choose the best answer and fill in the corresponding bubble completely.

§  Use a pencil to fill in the bubbles.

§  If you need to change your answer, erase it completely.


1.          Department of Education mandates daily yoga and meditation sessions to improve student focus and discipline. 

A. Satirical News                  B. Not Satirical News                           C. Maybe                                  D. Not Sure

2.          China files protest over PCG's presence in Philippine EEZ.

A. Satirical News                  B. Not Satirical News                           C. Maybe                                  D. Not Sure

3.          Filipino scientists discover new species of talking cockroach, named it "Pol".

A. Satirical News                  B. Not Satirical News                           C. Maybe                                  D. Not Sure

4.          DOJ: No info on ICC warrants supposedly out in September.

A. Satirical News                  B. Not Satirical News                           C. Maybe                                  D. Not Sure

5.          Filipino inventor creates a machine that turns water into unlimited supply of instant noodles. 

A. Satirical News                  B. Not Satirical News                           C. Maybe                                  D. Not Sure

6.          Sara Duterte calls linking husband, brother to P6B drugs case 'political harassment’.

A. Satirical News                  B. Not Satirical News                           C. Maybe                                  D. Not Sure

7.         Manila Bay cleanup now includes a search for the lost city of Atlantis.

A. Satirical News                  B. Not Satirical News                           C. Maybe                                  D. Not Sure

8.         Dela Rosa, binanatan ang mga mambabatas na bumabatikos sa war on drugs.

A. Satirical News                  B. Not Satirical News                           C. Maybe                                  D. Not Sure

9.         New bill seeks to replace traditional school uniforms with cosplay outfits.

A. Satirical News                  B. Not Satirical News                           C. Maybe                                  D. Not Sure

10.   PH's high credit rating to bring more investments, livelihood - Marcos.

A. Satirical News                  B. Not Satirical News                           C. Maybe                                  D. Not Sure



Lesson 5: Online Research

Lesson 6: Applied Productivity Tools using Word Processor

Lesson 7: Advanced Word Processing Skills


General Instructions:

§  Read each question carefully.

§  Choose the best answer and fill in the corresponding bubble completely.

§  Use a pencil to fill in the bubbles.

§  If you need to change your answer, erase it completely.


1. .PNG stands for?

A. Portable Networking Graph                                            B. Portable Network Graphs

C. Portable Network Graphics                                            D. Portable Network Group

2. A feature that allows you to create a batch of documents that are personalized for each recipient.

A. Mail Merge                         B. List or Data File               C. Form Document             D. Pictures

3. Advanced Search allow you to filter out information you do not need

A. True                                       B. Not Sure                              C. Maybe                                  D. False 

4. Always use a credible sources as some of the sites on the internet can be manipulated and can be edited by anyone

A. False                                     B. Not Sure                              C. True                                       D. Maybe

5. Among these options, which one is not used for word processor?

A. greeting cards                  B. Editing audio                     C. résumés                             D. contracts

6. As it suggests, this setting allows your image to be placed right on top of the text as if your image was dropped right on it. That means whatever part of the text you placed the image on, it will be covered by the image.

A. In Front of Text                 B. Behind Text                        C. Top and Bottom              D. Through

7. As you collect the data, be sure to track where specific information is gathered.

A. True                                       B. Maybe                                  C. Not Sure                             D. False 

8. China files protest over PCG's presence in Philippine EEZ.

A. Maybe                                   B. Not Satirical News         C. Satirical News                 D. Not Sure

9. Critical thinking involves the ability to reflect on the information presented to you.

A. False                                     B. Maybe                                  C. True                                       D. Not Sure

10. Dela Rosa, binanatan ang mga mambabatas na bumabatikos sa war on drugs.

A. Maybe                                   B. Not Satirical News         C. Satirical News                 D. Not Sure

11. Department of Education mandates daily yoga and meditation sessions to improve student focus and discipline.

A. Not Satirical News         B. Not Sure                              C. Maybe                                  D. Satirical News

12. DOJ: No info on ICC warrants supposedly out in September.

A. Not Satirical News         B. Maybe                                  C. Not Sure                             D. Satirical News

13. Early word processors were stand-alone devices often on its function, but current word processors are word processor programs running on general purpose computers.

A. False                                     B. Maybe                                  C. Not Sure                             D. True

14. Filipino inventor creates a machine that turns water into unlimited supply of instant noodles.

A. Not Satirical News         B. Satirical News                  C. Not Sure                             D. Maybe

15. Filipino scientists discover new species of talking cockroach, named it "Pol".

A. Satirical News                  B. Not Satirical News         C. Maybe                                  D. Not Sure

16. Focus on a question you want answered, If it is a series of questions, start with one. Never search everything on one go

A. True                                       B. Maybe                                  C. False                                     D. Not Sure

17. If the contents of the source are too impossible to happen, or too good to be true, then there must be something wrong.

A. True                                       B. Maybe                                  C. False                                     D. Not Sure

18. If the site is unfamiliar and continuously popping ads, then it is satirical.

A. Not Sure                              B. Maybe                                  C. False                                     D. True

19. If the site started as a false site for public figures such as TV personalities or political figures, then uploaded stories from different sources, it is a satirical one.

A. Not Sure                              B. Maybe                                  C. False                                     D. True

20. If you are going to use the information from a source for educational purposes, do not give credit to the original author of the page or information

A. False                                     B. Maybe                                  C. Not Sure                             D. True 

21. It is a computer program or device that provides for input, editing, formatting and output of text often with some additional features.

A. Mail Merge                         B. Word Processor              C. Pictures                              D. Form Document

22. It is a research method that involves the collection of information from the internet.

A. Mail Merge                         B. Word Processor              C. Pictures                              D. Online Research

23. It is generally the document that contains the main body of the message we want to convey or send.

A. Form Document              B. Mail Merge                         C. Pictures                              D. List or Data File

24. It is the world's first graphical writing program that used in multi tool word.

A. Bravo                                    B. Gamma                               C. Alpha                                    D. Beta

25. It refers to software that allows content to be edited in a form that resembles its appearance when printed or displayed as a finished product, such as a printed document, web page, or slide presentation.

A. WYSIWYG                           B. WYSIWIG                            C. WISYWYG                          D. WISYWIG

26. It was the Microsoft Word who introduced the concept of?

A. WYSIWIG                            B. WYSIWYG                           C. WISYWYG                          D. WISYWIG

27. Manila Bay cleanup now includes a search for the lost city of Atlantis.

A. Not Satirical News         B. Maybe                                  C. Satirical News                 D. Not Sure

28. Microsoft word was released in 1983 as?

A. Multi Microsoft Word    B. None of These                  C. Microsoft Tool Word     D. Multi Tool Word

29. New bill seeks to replace traditional school uniforms with cosplay outfits.

A. Maybe                                   B. Not Satirical News         C. Satirical News                 D. Not Sure

30. Part of your research is the actual writing, be creative and reflective in writing your search, explain every detail and step into achieving your objective.

A. False                                     B. True                                       C. Not Sure                             D. Maybe

31. PH's high credit rating to bring more investments, livelihood - Marcos.

A. Maybe                                   B. Not Sure                              C. Satirical News                 D. Not Satirical News

32. Remember to narrow down what you are searching for

A. True                                       B. False                                     C. Maybe                                  D. Not Sure

33. Sara Duterte calls linking husband, brother to P6B drugs case 'political harassment’.

A. Maybe                                   B. Satirical News                  C. Not Satirical News        D. Not Sure

34. The following are research skills develop during online research, except?

A. Printing of Paper             B. Organizing Data              C. Presenting Research    D. Critical Thinking

35. The following are steps in the mail merge wizard, except?

A. Select Label Size            B. Preview your letters      C. Select the document type           D. Select recipients

36. The following are the Top word processors (software) in the world, except?

A. RagTime                              B. Microsoft Word                C. Googlesheet                     D. Kingsoft Writer

37. These are electronic or digital pictures or photographs you have saved in any local storage device.

A. Pictures                               B. Form Document              C. Mail Merge                         D. List or Data File

38. These are predefined sets of different shapes grouped together to form ideas that are organizational or structural in nature.

A. Smart Art                             B. Chart                                     C. Shapes                                D. Screenshot

39. These are printable objects or materials that you can integrate in your document to enhance its appearance or allow you to have some tools to use for composing and representing ideas or messages. And use for designing the layout for a poster or other graphic material for advertising.

A. Chart                                     B. Shapes                                 C. Screenshot                        D. Smart Art

40. This allows your image to be dragged and placed anywhere on your document but with all the texts floating in front of it. It effectively makes your image look like a background.

A. Tight                                      B. Behind Text                        C. In Front of Text                 D. Top and Bottom

41. This is almost the same as the Square setting, but here the text “hug” or conforms to the general shape of the image.

A. Behind Text                        B. Tight                                      C. Through                               D. Top and Bottom

42. This is quite useful when you are preparing reports that correlate and present data in a graphical manner.

A. Screenshot                        B. Chart                                     C. Smart Art                            D. Chart

43. This is the default setting for images that are inserted or integrated in your document. This setting is usually used when you need to place your image at the beginning of a paragraph.

A. Top and Bottom               B. Tight                                      C. In Line with Text              D. In Front of Text

44. This is where the individual information or data that needs to be plugged in (merged) to the form document is placed and maintained.

A. Mail Merge                         B. Pictures                               C. Form Document             D. List or Data File

45. This setting allows the image you inserted to be placed anywhere with the paragraph with the text going around the image in a square pattern like frame.

A. Top and Bottom               B. Square                                 C. Tight                                      D. In Line with Text

46. This setting allows the text on your document to flow even tighter taking the contours and shape of the image.

A. Behind Text                        B. Through                               C. In Line with Text              D. In Front of Text

47. This setting pushes the texts away vertically to the top and/or the bottom of the image so that the image occupies a whole text line on its own.

A. In Front of Text                 B. Behind Text                        C. Square                                 D. Top and Bottom

48. Type of image file that does not support transparency and therefore, images of this file type can be difficult to integrate in terms of blending with other materials or elements in your document.

A. .GIF                                        B. .JPG/JPEG                           C. .PNG                                     D. .PDF

49. Type of image file that is capable of displaying transparencies also capable of displaying simple animation.

A. .GIF                                        B. .PDF                                      C. .JPG/JPEG                          D. .PNG

50. Type of image file that is good with transparencies but it does not support animation but it can display up to 16 million colors, so image quality for this image file type is also remarkably improved.

A. .JPG/JPEG                           B. .PNG                                     C. .PDF                                      D. .GIF



LESSON 8: Advanced Spreadsheet Skills


Quiz #5

General Instructions:

§  Read each question carefully.

§  Choose the best answer and fill in the corresponding bubble completely.

§  Use a pencil to fill in the bubbles.

§  If you need to change your answer, erase it completely.


1.   It allows users to organize data in rows and columns and perform calculations on the data.

       a.       Word Processor                    b.              Spreadsheet                           c.              PowerPoint Presentation

2.   These rows and columns collectively are called.

       a.       workbook                                 b.              worklist                                     c.              worksheet

3.   The following are examples of Spreadsheet Software, except 

       a.       Apple iWork Numbers       b.              Microsoft Excel                     c.              Google Docs

4.   The horizontal line of entries in a table.

       a.       Row                                             b.              Column                                     c.              Worksheet

5.   The vertical line of entries in a table 

       a.       Row                                             b.              Column                                     c.              Worksheet

6.   The maximum number of rows on a worksheet in Excel.

       a.       1,048,576                                 b.              16,384                                       c.              199,077

7.   The maximum number of columns on a worksheet in Excel.

       a.       1,048,576                                 b.              16,384                                       c.              199,077

8.   The cell address of the cell usually combines letter and number (ex. A1, B4, C2).

       a.       Cell Formula                          b.              Cell Reference                      c.              Cell Number

9.   It returns the absolute value of x. 

       a.       =ABS(x)                                      b.              =ABSOLUTE(x)                       c.              =NUMBER(x)

10. It joins the values of x and y in a single cell.

       a.       =CONCATENATE(x,y)         b.              =CONCENTRATE(x,y)         c.              =CONTATENATE(x,y)

11. It returns true if x is an even number.

       a.       =ISEVEN(x)                              b.              =ISTRUE(x)                               c.              =ISNUMBER(x)

12. It returns true if x is a number. 

       a.       =ISTEXT(x)                                b.              =ISTRUE(x)                               c.              =ISNUMBER(x)

13. It returns true if x is a text. 

       a.       =ISTEXT(x)                                b.              =ISTRUE(x)                               c.              =ISNUMBER(x)

14. It returns the proper casing of x.

       a.       =UPPER(x)                               b.              =PROPER(x)                            c.              =UP()

15. It returns the characters of x specified by y (from the left). 

       a.       =LEFT(x,y)                                b.              =CHARACTER(x,y)               c.              =MIN(x,y)

16. It returns the smallest number between x and y.

       a.       =MIN(x,y)                                  b.              =SMALL(x,y)                            c.              =NUMBER(x,y) 

17. It returns the value of x raised to the power of y.

       a.       =POWER(x,y)                          b.              =LOWER(x,y)                          c.              =PROPER(x,y) 

18. It rounds x to a specified number of digits y.

       a.       =ROUND(x,y)                          b.              =DIGIT(x,y)                               c.              =NUMBER(x,y) 

19. It returns x in all capital form. 

       a.       =UPPER(x)                               b.              =PROPER(x)                            c.              =UP()

20. It returns the current date.

       a.       =TODAY()                                 b.              =NOW()                                     c.              =TIME()




LESSON 9: Advanced Presentation Skills


Quiz #6

General Instructions:

§  Read each question carefully.

§  Choose the best answer and fill in the corresponding bubble completely.

§  Use a pencil to fill in the bubbles.

§  If you need to change your answer, erase it completely.


1. Which of the following is NOT a PowerPoint software?

a) Prezi                                       b) OpenOffice Impress     c) Keynote                                d) Adobe Photoshop

2. Which of the following is a feature of PowerPoint?         

a) Adding SmartArt              b) Inserting Shapes             c) Inserting an Image          d) All of the above

3. What is the recommended maximum number of slides for an effective presentation?

a) 10                                            b) 20                                            c) 30                                            d) There is no limit.

4. What is the main purpose of a PowerPoint presentation?

a) To provide all the information to the audience.                                        

b) To replace the speaker's role.

c) To serve as a visual aid to enhance the speaker's message.             

d) To entertain the audience.

5. What is the "6 x 7 rule" in PowerPoint?

a) Use no more than six slides in a presentation.                        b) Limit each slide to seven bullet points.

c) Limit each slide to six lines and seven words per line.        d) Use no more than six different fonts.

6. What is the recommended approach to using graphics in a PowerPoint presentation?

a) Use as many graphics as possible to make the presentation visually appealing.

b) Use graphics sparingly to avoid distracting the audience.

c) Only use graphics if they are directly related to the topic.

d) Avoid using graphics altogether.

7. What is the main purpose of using a consistent design in a PowerPoint presentation?

a) To make the presentation look more professional.              b) To make the presentation easier to read.

c) To create a sense of unity and flow.                                              d) All of the above.

8. What is the recommended approach to using contrast in a PowerPoint presentation?

a) Use a dark font on a light background.                                        b) Use a light font on a dark background.

c) Use a bright font on a bright background.                                  d) Use a dark font on a dark background.

9. What is a hyperlink in PowerPoint?

a) A link that allows you to jump to a specific slide in the presentation.

b) A link that allows you to open a website.

c) A link that allows you to open a file.

d) All of the above.

10. What is the "Place in This Document" option for creating a hyperlink in PowerPoint?

a) It creates a hyperlink to a website.

b) It creates a hyperlink to a file.

c) It creates a hyperlink to a specific slide in the presentation.

d) It creates a hyperlink to an email address.

11. What is the "Create a New Document" option for creating a hyperlink in PowerPoint?

a) It creates a hyperlink to a website.

b) It creates a hyperlink to a file.

c) It creates a hyperlink to a specific slide in the presentation.

d) It creates a hyperlink that opens a new document.

12. What is the "E-mail Address" option for creating a hyperlink in PowerPoint?

a) It creates a hyperlink to a website.

b) It creates a hyperlink to a file.

c) It creates a hyperlink to a specific slide in the presentation.

d) It creates a hyperlink that opens an email.

13. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of using PowerPoint for presentations?

a) It helps to organize information.                                                     b) It makes presentations more visually appealing.

c) It helps to engage the audience.                                                     d) It guarantees a successful presentation.

14. What is the main advantage of using a dark background for a PowerPoint presentation?

a) It is easier to read on screen.                                                           b) It is more visually appealing.

c) It is more professional.                                                                        d) It helps to reduce eye strain.

15. What is the main purpose of using a consistent font style in a PowerPoint presentation?

a) To make the presentation look more professional.              b) To make the presentation easier to read.

c) To create a sense of unity and flow.                                              d) All of the above.

16. What is the best way to ensure that your PowerPoint presentation is effective?

a) Use as many slides as possible.                                                     b) Use as many graphics as possible.

c) Keep the slides simple and clear.                                                  d) Use a variety of fonts and colors.

17. What is the main purpose of using animations in a PowerPoint presentation?

a) To make the presentation more visually appealing.             b) To emphasize key points.

c) To keep the audience engaged.                                                       d) All of the above.

18. What is the best way to practice your PowerPoint presentation?

a) Practice in front of a mirror.                                                              b) Practice in front of a friend or family member.

c) Practice in front of a small group of people.                             d) All of the above.

19. What is the most important thing to remember when giving a PowerPoint presentation?

a) To speak clearly and confidently.                                                   b) To make eye contact with the audience.

c) To engage the audience with your presentation.                    d) All of the above.

20. What is the best way to get feedback on your PowerPoint presentation?

a) Ask a friend or family member for their opinion.                     b) Ask a colleague for their opinion.

c) Ask a professional presentation coach for their opinion.  d) All of the above.



LESSON 10: Imaging and Design for Online Environment

Topic 2: Basic Principles of Graphics and Layout


Quiz #7

General Instructions:

§  Determine which Basic Principles of Graphics and Layout are employed in this graphic. Select all that apply.


a. Balance              b. Emphasis          c. Movement        d. Pattern

e. Repetition         f. Rhythm                g. Proportion         h. Variety




LESSON 10: Imaging and Design for Online Environment

Topic1: Graphic design

Topic 2: Basic Principles of Graphics and Layout

Topic 3: Infographics

Topic 4: Online Image File Formats

Topic 5: Principles and Basic Techniques of Image Manipulation

Topic 6: Inserting, Uploading and Sharing Photos over the Internet


Quiz #8

General Instructions:

§  Read each question carefully.

§  Choose the best answer and fill in the corresponding bubble completely.

§  Use a pencil to fill in the bubbles.

§  If you need to change your answer, erase it completely.


1. What is graphic design primarily about?

   a. Drawing                                                                                  b. Communicating ideas through visuals  

   c. Building websites                                                              d. Writing essays  

2. Which element is NOT a core component of graphic design? 

   a. Text                                     b. Symbols                              c. Videos                                  d. Images  

3. The term "layout" refers to:  

   a. Creating ideas through drawing                                 b. Arranging design elements on paper  

   c. Designing websites                                                          d. Writing copy for graphics  

4. A web designer specializes in:  

   a. Painting                                                                                   b. Website functionality  

   c. Creating the visual design of a website                  d. Programming databases  

5. Design is a:  

   a. Random arrangement of elements                          b. Plan of combining text, images, and elements artistically  

   c. Mathematical equation                                                  d. Science of colors  

6. Balance in design refers to:  

   a. The number of colors used                                                             

   b. The weight of the paper  

   c. The arrangement of elements to create visual stability  

   d. The length of the text  

7. Emphasis in a design helps to:  

   a. Increase the font size                                                      b. Create focus on important parts  

   c. Remove distractions                                                        d. Change the color scheme  

8. Movement in design refers to:  

   a. The way elements are animated                                b. How the viewer’s eye travels over the design  

   c. Physical movement of the paper                               d. The position of text and images  

9. Pattern in design is best described as:  

   a. The placement of random elements                       b. Repetition of multiple design elements  

   c. A single color throughout                                              d. A complex texture  

10. What is the role of repetition in design?  

    a. Reduces creativity                                                           

    b. Ensures uniformity  

    c. Helps create consistency through repeating elements  

    d. Disorganizes the design  

11. Which type of rhythm is created by repeating elements with no specific interval?  

    a. Regular rhythm            b. Flowing rhythm                c. Random rhythm               d. Alternating rhythm 

12. Which principle deals with the size of elements in relation to one another?  

    a. Emphasis                        b. Proportion                          c. Rhythm                                d. Pattern  

13. Variety in design is important because it:  

    a. Distracts the viewer                                                        b. Creates visual interest  

    c. Overcomplicates the design                                       d. Increases text size  

14. Clarity in an infographic means:  

    a. Using complex language                                               b. Making the message easy to understand  

    c. Using only images                                                            d. Adding multiple fonts  

15. Minimal text is important in infographics because:  

    a. It reduces space                                                               b. It avoids overwhelming the viewer  

    c. It allows for more images                                             d. It limits creativity  

16. A strong headline in an infographic should:  

    a. Be decorative                                                                     b. Be clear and concise  

    c. Be colorful                                                                            d. Use complex language  

17. Which of the following ensures that all infographic elements work together harmoniously?  

    a. Random layout                                                                  b. Consistent style  

    c. Different fonts in each section                                  d. Random images  

18. Coherence in an infographic is achieved by:  

    a. Using unrelated visuals  

    b. Ensuring all elements work together harmoniously  

    c. Adding more text  

    d. Using a large variety of fonts 

19. Which file format is best for images with sharp edges and transparency?  

    a. JPEG                                  b. PNG                                       c. GIF                                          d. BMP  

20. JPEG is most suitable for:  

    a. Simple animations     b. High-quality logos          c. Photographs                      d. Images with transparency  

21. GIF is best for:  

    a. Large photographs     b. Simple animations         c. Detailed artwork             d. High-quality print images  

22. Which format is most suitable for animated images?  

    a. PNG                                   b. JPEG                                      c. GIF                                          d. TIFF  

23. When cropping an image, you are:  

    a. Changing its color                                                            b. Resizing it  

    c. Removing unwanted portions                                    d. Rotating it  

24. Resizing an image means:  

    a. Cutting out parts of the image                                   b. Changing its dimensions  

    c. Removing the background                                           d. Increasing its resolution  

25. Rotating an image allows you to:  

    a. Change its color          b. Fix its orientation            c. Blur its edges                    d. Add layers 

26. Which technique helps to correct the brightness and contrast of an image?  

    a. Sharpening                     b. Cropping                             c. Color correction              d. Retouching  

27. Which of the following refers to enhancing the edges of an image to make it appear clearer?  

    a. Sharpening                     b. Blurring                                c. Resizing                               d. Rotating  

28. To insert an image in Microsoft Word, you can:  

    a. Use HTML code                                                                 b. Use the Insert Image function  

    c. Email the image to yourself                                         d. Open the image in a new tab  

29. To upload a photo on social media, you would typically: 

    a. Use a URL link                                                                    b. Use a cloud storage service  

    c. Click the upload button and select the image  d. Write the photo description first  

30. Which platform is NOT specifically for sharing photos?  

    a. Flickr                                 b. Instagram                           c. YouTube                              d. 500px  

31. You would use HTML to insert an image when:  

    a. Uploading to social media                                           b. Designing a webpage  

    c. Creating a PowerPoint presentation                       d. Sending an email  

32. What is the most suitable platform for sharing videos? 

    a. Instagram                       b. YouTube                              c. Flickr                                     d. Picasa  

33. You would use Vimeo primarily for:  

    a. Sharing photos             b. Blogging                               c. Sharing videos                  d. Creating GIFs 

34. Which platform allows for uploading and sharing photos with cloud storage?  

    a. Instagram                       b. Google Photos                 c. YouTube                              d. Vimeo  

35. Which principle is important when altering an image to avoid misleading viewers?  

    a. Harmony with content                                                   b. Cropping  

    c. Ethical considerations                                                   d. Blurring  

36. Excessive manipulation of an image can lead to:  

    a. Improved image quality                                                 b. Pixelation and artifacts  

    c. Better color correction                                                  d. More clarity  

37. Direct links allow others to:  

    a. View photos directly without visiting the website  

    b. Compress the image  

    c. Add captions  

    d. Edit the image  

38. Embedding an image means:  

    a. Attaching it to an email                                                  b. Adding it to a website or blog  

    c. Resizing it                                                                             d. Sending it via cloud storage  

39. Which platform is best known for video sharing? 

    a. Instagram                       b. Facebook                            c. YouTube                              d. Dropbox  

40. To ensure good photo quality when sharing online, it’s important to:  

    a. Lower the resolution                                                       b. Compress the file excessively  

    c. Use high-quality images                                               d. Ignore the file format  

41. Which of the following is NOT a photo sharing platform? 

    a. Flickr                                 b. Instagram                           c. YouTube                              d. PhotoBucket  

42. A key feature of cloud storage services like Google Photos is:  

    a. Sharing videos                                                                    b. Online photo storage and sharing  

    c. Creating animated GIFs                                                d. Printing images  

43. Which platform is best for sharing short video clips? 

    a. YouTube                          b. Picasa                                   c. TikTok                                    d. Dropbox  

44. Before sharing a photo online, it is important to: 

    a. Reduce its quality                                                             b. Respect copyright  

    c. Add unnecessary filters                                                d. Resize it to the smallest possible size  

45. Which tool is commonly used to remove imperfections from images?  

    a. Cropping                         b. Retouching                        c. Resizing                               d. Sharpening  

46. What is the purpose of using layers in image manipulation? 

    a. To create shadows                                                           b. To manipulate elements independently  

    c. To compress images                                                       d. To change color  

47. Compositing is:  

    a. Changing the background color  

    b. Combining multiple images to create a new scene  

    c. Adding text to an image  

    d. Reducing the image size  

48. Which tool would you use to adjust the color balance in an image?  

    a. Cropping                         b. Blurring                                c. Color correction              d. Resizing  

49. Which technique is used to soften the focus of an image?  

    a. Sharpening                     b. Blurring                                c. Retouching                         d. Rotating 

50. When inserting an image in a presentation software, the recommended file format for a logo with transparency is:  

    a. JPEG                                  b. PNG                                       c. GIF                                          d. BMP



Lesson 11: Online Platform for ICT Content Development

Lesson 12: Basic Web Page Creation


Quiz #9

General Instructions:

§  Read each question carefully.

§  Choose the best answer and fill in the corresponding bubble completely.

§  Use a pencil to fill in the bubbles.

§  If you need to change your answer, erase it completely.


1.   What are the two main types of online platforms for ICT content development?

       A. Social Media Platforms and Blogging Platforms             B. Cloud Computing and Content Management Systems

       C. Web Design Tools and Coding Platforms                           D. Online Courses and Tutorials

2.   Which of the following is a disadvantage of using social media platforms for content creation?

       A. Limited customization options                                                B. High cost

       C. Difficulty in sharing content                                                      D. Lack of privacy

3.   What is a Content Management System (CMS)?

       A. A software program used for creating websites              B. A platform for sharing and discussing ideas online

       C. A tool for managing and publishing web content           D. A type of cloud computing service

4.   Which of the following is an example of cloud computing?

       A. Microsoft Word                           B. Google Drive                     C. Adobe Photoshop                            D. Firefox

5.   What does WYSIWYG stand for?

       A. What You See Is What You Get                                                 B. Web Yourself See Is What You Get

       C. We You See Is What You Get                                                    D. Web Yourself See Is What You Give

6.   Which coding language is used to create the structure of a web page?

       A. CSS                                                   B. JavaScript                           C. HTML                                                      D. Python

7.   What is the purpose of a header on a web page?

       A. To display the main content                                                      B. To provide navigation links

       C. To insert images                                                                              D. To create a footer

8.   Which element is used to add a block of text to a web page?

       A. Heading                                          B. Image                                   C. Paragraph                                            D. List

9.   What is the purpose of a photo gallery on a web page?

       A. To display a single photo                                                             

       B. To create a text box

       C. To display multiple photos in a grid or slideshow format             

       D. To insert a video

10. What is the purpose of site settings on a web page?

       A. To edit the content of a specific page                                   

       B. To configure the overall appearance and settings of the website

       C. To add elements to a page

       D. To create a new page

11. Which element is used to collect information from users, such as contact details or feedback?

       A. Image                                              B. Form                                     C. Heading                                                D. Paragraph

12. What is the purpose of a horizontal line on a web page?

       A. To create a border around the page                                       B. To insert a video

       C. To visually separate content                                                     D. To add a link

13. Which element can be used to display a map on a web page?

       A. Image                                              B. Video                                    C. Form                                                       D. Additional Element 

14. What is the purpose of SEO settings?

       A. To improve the website's appearance                                  B. To optimize the website for search engines

       C. To add elements to the page                                                     D. To create a new page

15. Which element is used to showcase items for sale on an online store?

       A. Store Item                                     B. Image                                   C. Heading                                                D. Paragraph

16. What is the primary function of a navigation menu?

       A. To display the website's logo                                                    B. To provide links to different pages on the website

       C. To insert images                                                                              D. To create a text box

17. Which element allows users to share your content on social media platforms?

       A. Share Buttons                             B. Image                                   C. Form                                     D. Heading

18. What is the difference between a theme and a template?

       A. There is no difference between a theme and a template.

       B. A theme is a pre-designed layout, while a template is a custom design.

       C. A template is a pre-designed layout, while a theme is a custom design.

       D. A theme is used for text formatting, while a template is used for page layout.

19. What is the purpose of a footer on a web page?

       A. To display the website's logo                                                    

       B. To provide links to different pages on the website

       C. To contain copyright information and contact details

       D. To insert images

20. What is the purpose of a call to action (CTA) on a web page?

       A. To provide links to different pages on the website

       B. To encourage users to take a specific action, such as making a purchase or subscribing to a newsletter

       C. To display the website's logo

       D. To insert images




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