Ako at ang mga Taong Nakapaligid sa Akin


Rommel Mecayer Magcalas born July 7, a graduate of Bataan Peninsula State University with the degree of Bachelor of Science in Electronics Engineering, year 2011. At age 21 he started working in a Manufacturing Company in Olongapo City as Engineer 1 who leads his automation team in Nidec Subic Philippines. After 2 years and 8 months he decided his luck abroad, and work as a Technical Specialist in Iqor Malaysia for almost 2 years. Back in 2017, he taught for 2 years and 3 months in the University of Nueva Caceres – Bataan a private school located at Rizal St. Dinalupihan, Bataan teaching Calculus and Physics Subjects to STEM Strand Students in the year 2017-2019. At present, he work at St. Francis National High School, teaching Senior High School students, a Learning Resource Coordinator and School Librarian. In 2019 he successfully passed the Civil Service Examination. He finished his Professional Teaching Certificate gaining 24 units at College of Most Holy Trinity Catholic Foundation, Incorporated, in 2020. He also successfully passed the Licensure Examination for Teachers (LET) in 2022.

In a house filled with laughter and cheer,
A family of ten, oh so dear.
A mother, a father, their love so bright,
Guiding their children with all their might.

Three boys, so full of life and zest,
Their playful spirits, truly the best.
Eight girls, like blossoms in springtime's bloom,
Their beauty and grace, dispelling any gloom.

Together they gather, a vibrant array,
Their love for each other, lighting up the day.
Through thick and thin, they stand hand in hand,
A family united, in this wondrous land.

The mother, a beacon, her heart so warm,
Nurturing her children, keeping them safe from harm.
The father, a pillar, strong and true,
A guiding light, his love shining through.

The boys, like adventurers, bold and free,
Exploring the world, with boundless glee.
The girls, like angels, sweet and pure,
Their laughter and joy, forever endure.

Oh, what a blessing, this family of ten,
Their love and laughter, a joyful gem.
Through life's grand journey, they'll always be there,
A bond unbreakable, a love beyond compare.

In life's tapestry, a thread so fine,
Friendship's bond, a connection divine.
Through laughter and tears, through sunshine and rain,
A friendship's embrace, easing life's strain.

Like stars in the darkness, their brilliance so bright,
True friends illuminate, guiding our sight.
In moments of joy, their presence so near,
Their shared happiness, banishing fear.

In times of sorrow, their solace we find,
Their compassionate hearts, a comforting bind.
With empathy's touch, they wipe away tears,
Their presence a balm, calming our fears.

Through life's winding paths, we journey along,
Friendship's compass, keeping us strong.
In moments of doubt, when spirits grow dim,
Their unwavering faith, a beacon so trim.

Oh, friendship's embrace, a treasure so rare,
A bond that endures, beyond all compare.
In life's grand design, a gift so divine,
Friendship's melody, forever entwined.


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